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- Age 40, man looking for local women
- Time to make your toes curl
- "I am athletic and attractive. I am gentle and loving. I try to pay attention to the small things. It makes everything else so much better. I am only a standard member so let me ... all e-mails will be responded to if you give me an alternate way to respond."
- Age 23, man looking for local women
- I love sex!
- "My favorite position(s) is/are: Side by side, Blow Job, 69, Standing, Missionary, Cunnilingus, Girl on Top, Fetish. I have sex Never - that's why I'm here. I have had a one-night ... sex are: in a car, in a bedroom, in the office. I masturbate daily."
- Age 33, man looking for local women
- Looking for someone to have fun with
- "I'm just looking to get out and have fun. I'm high energy and looking for someone that can keep up."
- Goto :
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