Discover Why Having Multiple Sex Partners Can Benefit Your Health

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As if you needed any more reasons to want to have sex on a regular basis, there are several reports that have been released that indicate sex is actually good for your health. The different benefits you receive from having sex may come as a surprise to you, but they are definitely great incentive for you to get out and have more casual sex with willing partners. Just remember whenever you are meeting women for sex, you need to make sure you are safe. As long as you are doing this, you can have the kinds of benefits you need in your life, and can even help with ED.

To get all of the benefits from casual sex, you need to make sure you are having sex on a regular basis. This will allow your body to receive the maximum benefit from the kinds of interactions you are having. Always keep in mind that no matter who you are sleeping with, you need to be careful about disease and mental stress as a result of the sex. As long as you are paying attention to these factors, you can enjoy having a great time with sex partners to keep you healthy in your life, according to ABC News.

Sleep Better

Whenever you are having sex, your body will release a hormone known as prolactin. This is a hormone that is naturally present in elevated levels when you are sleeping. It is also released when you have an orgasm. It is the reason why you tend to feel tired after you have had the best casual sex. If you want to sleep better, just make sure you are upping your sex and trying some new tricks in the bedroom to make sure you will right to sleep afterwards. If you do not want to fall asleep, maybe tone it down a little bit and keep going.

Get Rid of Stress

It is normal when guys feel stressed, they want sex with women. This is normally because they do not want to think about the stress they have in their life, but it is also because of the way they feel after they have had sex. What most people do not realize is just why sex calms you down. In fact, it is not so much because you are being conked out from the elevated levels of exercise or even the orgasm. It is because when you have sex, your body releases endorphins and oxytocin. Just like when you have been for a long run, you will feel high off of the hormones released into your bloodstream and your stress will all have but disappeared.

Keep Colds at Bay

Have you ever noticed people who have a lot of sex do not get sick as often? This is because when you are having a lot of casual sex, your body has abnormally high levels of immunoglobulin A (lgA). This is one of the antibodies in your body that helps to fight disease and can maintain a healthier immune system as a result. So, if you are having sex on a regular basis, the unfortunate souls who are not getting any will have just one more reason to be jealous of you.

Reduce Pain

If you feel a lot of pain, having sex with women can help. This is because when you are having sex, you will experience the effects of the endorphins your body is releasing. This will have a similar affect to what morphine would have in your body. Your pain will be relieved, if only even just for a little while. It is essential to remember the only way you will receive benefits from the endorphins is if you are able to have an orgasm. This is when your body releases the chemicals from which your body will benefit.

Have Lighter Periods

This next part is a way you can convince her she needs to get laid. Let her know about how regular sexual activity can actually help to reduce cramping during menstruation, and make her period easier to deal with. This is because when she is having an orgasm, her uterus will contract. As the uterus contracts, the body releases certain compounds that cause the body to cramp. Once the compounds are out of the body, she will have less of a chance of having a painful period with a lot of cramping. Of course, this means you will have to do your part to make sure she will have an orgasm or your reason to have more sex will be tossed right out the window.

Look Younger

If you enjoy looking young, it is time to start having more sex with women. This is because when you are having a lot of sex, the body will release the hormones particular to men and women. When your body releases a lot of these hormones, it will help to make sure the body remains vital and able to do its job. Testosterone and estrogen have been known to help people looking younger well into their old age. For women, this will mean having softer skin and shinier hair. This is a really good argument to get her into bed as fast as possible.

Maintain a Fit Body

When you are having sex, you are getting a decent workout. The more physical your sex is, the more calories you can burn. Keep this in mind as you are thinking about how to maintain your sexy body. The average number of calories burned in one sexual encounter can range from 85 to 250 calories. This is even more reason to break out that Kama Sutra book and find new ways you can provide pleasure.

These are just the top health benefits you will enjoy when you are having a lot of sex. You can also enjoy benefits like a closer emotional bond to the people you are having sex with. So, if you want to enjoy looking great, feeling healthy, and removing stress form your life, all you have to do is find the right person to have some great sex with you. Join BestCasualSex today to start meeting great singles!